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About KBP

Keystone Benefits Partners provides comprehensive employee benefits solutions.

We are your trusted employee benefits group purchasing organization.

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Collectively, KBP members purchase employee benefits and participate in highly effective risk and cost management programs. Each of the KBP member organizations is qualified and accepted by their peers.

Our Goal and Vision

The shared vision and goal of the KBP members is rather clear. We aim to control and drive down the cost of employee benefits year after year.

We are proud to state that this program is bending the cost curve and that it is exceeding those expectations.

What is the Keystone Benefits Partners’ program?

Keystone Benefits Partners was created for the purpose of driving down the escalating cost of providing employee benefits and offers its member companies total control, flexibility, with tools designed to meet their human capital needs. This is a powerful and proven program that also provides members with opportunities to participate and benefit from the sharing of best practices with some of the area’s best and strongest companies.

The member organizations of KBP are a growing list of “who’s who” in the business community. Each board member will gladly share how their organization has benefited from the KBP program. The shared vision and goal of the KBP members is clear: control and drive down the cost of employee benefits, year after year!

Developed by McConkey Benefits & Financial Services and Benecon in 2008, Keystone Benefits Partners, LLC (referred to as KBP) is a member-owned, member-governed organization of employers. Collectively, KBP members purchase employee benefits and participate in highly-effective risk and cost management programs. Each of the KBP member organizations is qualified and accepted by their peers.

Today, the growing pool of members represents:

  • Over 120 operating companies.
  • Over $180 million in controlled plan expenses.
  • In excess of $40 million of independently priced highly structured layered risk reinsurance.
  • Over 22,000 insured participant lives.

Who is eligible to join KBP?

The KBP program is exclusive to organizations that have a mindset to engage, drive, and control their employee benefit plan destiny’s and to those that qualify through financial and risk reviews. Each prospective member organization is reviewed for underwriting risk by KBP’s independent actuary, and qualified companies are presented to the KBP Board of Directors for the proposed entrance. As a program that is governed and steered by its members, each organization has a Board of Directors representation and carries equal weighting to its peers.

What Makes KBP so different?

KBP is one of the most highly evolved and controlled risk structures in the industry today. What an employer pays for benefits today is primarily driven by the insurance market, leaving those in the standard insurance market to control costs through shifting benefits. KBP changes this market dynamic.

KBP’s member companies have truly gained and maintained control over their benefit costs. With cost trends far below the market, benefits management is left to human resource professionals to structure and build strategic benefit plans that work best for their diverse workforces. As autonomous employers, each member company maintains full control over its own unique benefits programs.

Why join KBP?

The rewards of our unique and proprietary risk structure are clear to the KBP members. We have proven to “bend the curve” on the cost trends and have positioned each of the KBP members to achieve and maintain control over corporate expenses related to employee benefits.

In addition to this highly effective program for medical benefits, members also benefit from group leveraged dental, vision, life and disability, employee assistance, and even structured wellness programs. Benefits management tools are also an integral part of this program, including leading-edge online eligibility management and data analytics software.

About KBP - Group of Cheerful Employees Celebrating Success By Giving Each Other High Fives

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What Makes KBP So Different?

The “Keystone” of KBP is one of the most highly evolved and controlled risk structures in the industry today.

Meet Our Team

HR professionals structure and build strategic benefit plans that work best for your workforce.

Each member of the company maintains full control over their own benefits programs.

KBP member companies have truly gained and maintained control over benefit costs.

Today, the Growing Pool of KBP Members Represent:


involved voting members


operating companies served


secured and insured participants


controlled plan expenses


structured risk reinsurance

As an employee benefits program we have great relationships with many well-known, reputable insurance companies and vendors, giving you choice through the Power of One.


Our insurance advisors have years of experience. We are prepared to educate you and serve as your advocate from benefit plan design through vendor delivery.


Our advisors have a passion for protecting what you value most. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We operate in a team environment and keep service at the heart of our culture.

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